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Ancient Rome's Aristocracy
And Its Role In
Creating Christianity
Henry H Davis is a historian with
a degree in classical studies and
bestselling author
evidence from his book has been used in his degree essays, all of which have passed assessment.

"...there was no writer, at least in the realm of history, who had not
made some false statement, and even pointed out the places
in which Livy and Sallust, Cornelius Tacitus, and, finally, Trogus​ could be
refuted by manifest proofs, he came over wholly to my opinion, and,
throwing up his hands, he jestingly said besides: "Well then, write as you will.
You will be safe in saying whatever you wish, since you will have as
comrades in falsehood those authors whom we
admire for the style of their histories."
(Historia Augusta, The Life of Aurelian, 2. 2)
It is only through genealogies that the ruling oligarchy of ancient rome and its role in the creation of christianity can be uncovered.
Pick A Genealogy To Learn More

'Flavius Josephus'
Descent From
Herod The Great
Emperor Vespasian's
Descent From
Herod The Great
Emperor Trajan And
Pliny The Younger's
Mutual Ancestry
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